Command Line Syntax For FLV Audio Converter SDK
facvt flv_file -out output_file [-fmt {mp3|wav|amr}] [-ac {1|2}] [-asr n] [-abr n]
[-slp n]
flv_file // FLV file to be converted.
-out // Set the output file name.
-fmt // Set the output file format.
-ac // Set the output audio channels.
-asr // Set the output audio sample rate, for the MP3 file, possible values are: 44100, 22050, 11025.
-abr // Set the output audio bit rate, for the MP3 file, possible values are: 16000, 32000, 48000,
64000, 96000, 128000.
-slp // Set the number of milliseconds to sleep when encoding.
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